Thursday, September 5, 2013

Force Hierarchy Permission in MDM 2012

In our organization we have been using MDM feature of MS SQL 2012, to maintain product data in central location. and all other system subscribe to this information.

This product (same entity) belongs to two different business unit with in our organization and we had to implement security model to achieve this.

In MDM 2012 there is out of box functionality for this. the closest feature that come close is Hierarchy segmentation.

Process starts with Declaring Explicit hierarchy for the entity in scope.

and than level entities are assigned to this Hierarchy, There is another way of creating hierarchy which is derived hierarchy and I am sure that would potentially work the same way.

once this assignment is completed next step is to assign permission on this Hierarchy rather than the entity itself.

In my experience I noticed that permission on entity does not readily get applied to leaf level. Sometimes there is small lag while other it does not even get applied at all.

The work around that to get implemented is running following code

SELECT @Model_ID = ID FROM mdm.tblModel WHERE [Name] = N'ModelName';
EXEC [mdm].[udpSecurityMemberProcessRebuildModel] @Model_ID=@Model_ID, @ProcessNow=1;

1 comment:

Christoph said...

Hi Abhishek,
We experience the same behaviour with MDS 2016. Only after running the stored procedure rights are fine.
Maybe in the meantime you got any additional experience?
Will the hierarchy permission update automatically by the defined ProcessIntervall in newer MDS versions?
Was this a bug?
BR, Christoph